Friday, April 01, 2005


How can a four day week be so long?
It has been really hectic week here at work and I have had to mop up some messes that I made which makes it worse!
The Easter weekend was great! Friday pete was still poorly so I took our friends kids to Kew on my own, but the 4 of us had a great time and really enjoyed ourselves, running around, climbing and then we went home and had McDonald's!
Saturday our friends came up from Rye and we just had a chill out few days!
On Monday we went to TGI's in Watford for Buddy's birthday and we got to see their 2 week old baby! Gracie is just cute! Even Pete gave her a cuddle (Normally unheard of where babies are concerned)
We then went to Enfield to have dinner with Neil & Amanda and on the way we stopped at Krispie Kreame (Lovely!) Our time with Neil & Amanda was great!

Then back to work!!!!! However there is hope in sight, we are going to Birmingham for Lucy's 1st Birthday tomorrow, spending time with the lovely Matt & Jo 2night and the pub quiz on Sunday. Then it is just one week until we head off to Edinburgh for a little holiday! A whole week off work - Praise the Lord!

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