Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Well today I went to the Teddington Walk in Clinic (which was quite nice actually!). They couldn't do more xrays, but the nurse poked and prodded my arm (hard!) and seemed to think it was bad soft tissue damage too!! So very painful, but this time I was given some advise as to what to do! She also said that it will take weeks to heal!! Whoopee!!!

Monday, June 04, 2007


I went to hospital yesterday! Whoops! Silly me, I was on a round about in a children's playground with friends (and a child!). I wasn't holding on and the boys started spinning us really fast! Moments before I went flying off the round about I shouted "Stop, I'm going to fall off!!" At which point I fell off quite badly! Because I was so dizzy, I tried to stand up and fell over again, at which points the pain in my arm was immense! I went and sat down and went very faint and sick. When that passed my arm felt V dodgy and so I went to Ealing hospital to get it checked out! They don't think it's broken, just soft tissue damage, but it is painful and I can't drive can't really move and I have some pretty impressive bruises. Not sure how long it takes to get better!??? Soon I hope as I feel pretty helpless!!
The week is ever busy, so onwards and upwards!!