Wednesday, September 14, 2005


Great holiday was had by all in Devon! Lots of food and a bit of sunshine too!

Whilst away got a very helpful call offering me a temp job at Tearfund until the end of December! Started yesterday and already am feeling a little out of my depth although I am hoping that this is just my insecurity and a new environment! I'm sure I'll be fine! Beyond December who knows!

Life seems to have upped it's pace in the land of the Levies and there seems to be no let up until after Christmas! CRAZY! Anyway lots to look forward to! Just need to try and stay on top of the house work!

Saturday, September 03, 2005


Well we have finally made it to our first holiday destination! Exeter with my Brother and his lovely lady Becky! I have had a couple interviews and already had a NO from the council for one job, which was annoying as the interview went well, but there was an internal candidate!!! I shall say no more on that one.
Tearfund interview with for the temporary admin pool and have registered with an agency but no bites yet! I am hoping things will work out but I am not sure what's going to happen now! Anyway for now I think I will just enjoy the hols and make the most of some chill out time.

Lets hope the sun comes out today!