Monday, May 23, 2005


I am trying to apply to university through UCAS. Nobody told me that this would be the hardest part of trying to get into university. It's basically a whole other language. Plus it is so long since I was at school, trying to remember my education (which I have spent the last 8 years trying to forget) is very difficult. Am considering who may be able to help with this. I'm sure I know some high school teachers who would help! The UCAS web sire does hold a lot of info it's just wading through it to find what you actually want to know. You can apply on line which I am attempting to do but we shall see. My aim is to have submitted my application by the end of the week.


Amanda said...

Thinking about the UCAS form makes me feel a bit queasy. My school had a real thing about the personal statement... exciting times though! Keep us all posted on any developemnts. I have just done Strengthsfinder and it turns out I am an academic bookworm. Hhhmm. Not quite what i thought...

Larraine said...

What Matt said! What a cool change. (Oh dear, typing that brought the song with those lyrics into my head - I hope that doesn't mean I'm stuck with it all night!)
I know I'm in the wrong country, but if there's anything I can help with, just lemmie know...

Sooz said...

Thanks guys!!

Larry, I might e-mail you my personal statement (which I am currently wading through) to see what you think? Would that be ok? Do we have your e-mail address?

Larraine said...

I think you do.. I'll send you an e to the latest addy I have for you..