Thursday, May 05, 2005


As usual the Leveson household has been mega busy. Catching up with friends and relatives alike. My 83 year old Nana and her only slightly younger sister have jetted off to Switzerland for their hols both clutching their newly purchased mobile phones! (I hope I'm like that when I'm old).
Last night was a well deserved night at home in front of the television.
I am currently reading (This in itself is shocking), a book called "Why do I do this everyday?" Its a book for people who feel disaffected by their work and helps you to think through what you want to do, what environment you work best in and what your work values are etc. It encourages you to make up your own mind about things even if it is just to stay where you are but having a different outlook on your work place or if it is time to think about a new career.
At the moment I am not sure where I am with work etc. Realistically I would like to do not much at all, although perhaps if I was utilising all my gifts etc I would enjoy work more?
The book has definitely made me think, although not always great realising things about yourself. One thing I have realised is that I have a fear of not being good enough! I Have loads of ideas of what I would like to do even if it's just hobbies, but I don't even go and try it as I think that I will not be good enough so why bother trying?! Silly I know.
Anyway I'll see if any revelations come to me, other than knowing I need to get away from my current job.

I think I managed to write a whole blog entry with only 2 exclamation marks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Pete Lev said...

Great title for a post!