Wednesday, July 27, 2005


We are here in Birmingham for the BWA Centinary Congress!
Thought I was getting away from all the bombs and manhunt but they seem to have been hiding up here.
Very funny seeing random people from all over the world walking around town wearing their badges and carrying groovey bags!(Pete & I have abandoned ours!)
Have established contact with the Wickers and look forward to catching up with them and not thinking about work until Monday!!!!


Larraine said...

Just heard about the tornadoes in our 8am news!!!! Mate, excitement is chasing you, it really is!!!!!
We lost our roof to a tornado on 22 January 1987 (see how ingrained the date is? It was a HUGE event in my life!) - and made the front page of one of the national papers. Hope you're enjoying the congress and catching up with friends.

Amanda said...

Thanks for the comment Sooz. Yep life is busy but good fun! Would be great to see you some time soon - will email to arrange things when I get back from Merseyfest!

Amanda said...

Thanks for the comment Sooz. Yep life is busy but good fun! Would be great to see you some time soon - will email to arrange things when I get back from Merseyfest!

Amanda said...

Sorry it did it twice for some reason!