Tuesday, August 16, 2005


The count down begins! I officially finish work at my current employee on the 26th August. only 8 days to go!
Thus far I have no new job. I have one interview with Ealing Council next Thursday and I have just posted an application to Greenford High School. I have also applied to Tearfunds temporary admin pool and will be submitting my CV to a recruitment agent for temp or perm work!
I am starting to get a bit concerned, although I do know that God has it all in hand. As Tessa said to me the other day"He (God) is never late, but he's always on time".
I am really looking forward to our holiday at the beginning of September and it looks like I am going to have 2 weeks off although I would like to have some work on my return.

Have a great few days, on Saturday we went to Cambridge and spent time with lovely people Michael & Rachel, Hannah & Reuben. They are the only people I seem to cry with laughter with!
Last night we spent time with Jesse & Marie ( he is feeling better!) and they were giving me some very helpful careers advise!


Larraine said...

only 5 working days to go!!!!

Larraine said...

How does it feel???
the penultimate day!
Going out for lunch? clearing your desk?
I hope you have a FAB holiday!

Amanda said...

Hi Suse - praying for you as you take this brave step. Neil pointed out to me the other day that he has never left a job with another job to go to! And things have always worked out fine for him! Hope you and Pete have a lovely time on hols - we'll have to arrange to meet up again when you get back xx