Monday, June 04, 2007


I went to hospital yesterday! Whoops! Silly me, I was on a round about in a children's playground with friends (and a child!). I wasn't holding on and the boys started spinning us really fast! Moments before I went flying off the round about I shouted "Stop, I'm going to fall off!!" At which point I fell off quite badly! Because I was so dizzy, I tried to stand up and fell over again, at which points the pain in my arm was immense! I went and sat down and went very faint and sick. When that passed my arm felt V dodgy and so I went to Ealing hospital to get it checked out! They don't think it's broken, just soft tissue damage, but it is painful and I can't drive can't really move and I have some pretty impressive bruises. Not sure how long it takes to get better!??? Soon I hope as I feel pretty helpless!!
The week is ever busy, so onwards and upwards!!

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