Saturday, July 21, 2007


Well, I finally came out! I have had excruciating tooth ache for far too long, but due to a huge phobia of the dentist, I have kept it a secret, hoping and praying (Literally!) that it would go away!
I went to the dentist on Thursday, very scary! He was very nice to me, but funnily enough there is a lot of work that needs to be done! I suppose it would if you haven't been to the dentist for 10 years!!!! I have an abcess!! OUCH!!!

So next Wednsday I am going back for root canal, the beginning of a few visits i believe, although I have been given sedation drugs to help me with my fear! So we'll see how thas goes!!!
All prayers welcome, as it is preying on my mind alot!


Larraine said...

You poor thing :(
I've never had a root canal, but it sounds expensive apart from any pain.

At least Pete will understand. I'd never known anyone visit the dentist as often, till I shared a house with him, way back then!

I haven't been in a few years, either. Feeling paranoid now!!!!

Andy said...

Can I suggest that you tell teh denist that you are dental-phobic. I had some awful dentist experiences as a kid and hate them now. The sight of a needle for a filling and I am close to fainting.

I had an amazing dentist recently that game me a bubblegum flavoured swab to is a local anaestetic that numbs your mouth and makes the injections feel like nothing....